Our Vision and Mission


Our vision is to establish the university as a world-class center of excellence dedicated to providing high-quality education and conducting cutting-edge research. We are committed to fostering skill development, integrating with industries, and creating a holistic ecosystem that nurtures global competencies among our students. Our ultimate goal is to contribute to the sustainable development of our nation by equipping the youth with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in the ever-changing global landscape.


Our mission is to fulfill our vision by:

1. Designing innovative, industry-relevant academic programs that enhance capacity building in response to the evolving trends of the economy.
2. Equipping students with the knowledge and competencies needed to excel in modern organizations, both in India and abroad.
3. Providing training in essential life skills and generic subjects, in addition to core disciplines, to enhance employability in the job market and foster entrepreneurship.
4. Engaging students and faculty in research, extension services, consultancy, community development projects, as well as curricular and extra-curricular activities to provide a holistic education experience.
5. Promoting the use of digital technologies and self-learning resources such as MOOCs, Coursera, Virtual Labs, Online Resources, and Self-Learning platforms to enrich information and knowledge.
6. Cultivating a culture of excellence among students and faculty members.
7. Instilling a sense of ownership and pride among employees to achieve both organizational targets and personal goals.
8. Developing curriculum, training programs, and internship opportunities to enhance the global competencies of our graduates.
9. Integrating skill development, entrepreneurship, and capacity building to promote sustainable development aligned with environmental and economic sustainability.

Our Core Values

Our commitment to quality education is realized through the utilization of modern learning technologies and delivery models, in alignment with the UGC quality mandate parameters.

We adopt a holistic approach to education that takes into account the social, cultural, economic, and environmental realities of our students.

Our focus is on equipping students with the necessary core competencies to thrive in a globalized world and effectively address challenges on an international scale.

We harness the power of information and communication technology (ICT) and digital learning resources to maximize learning outcomes and achieve excellence.

By bridging the gap between theory and practice, we prioritize skill development and foster integration with industries, ensuring our graduates are well-prepared for real-world scenarios.

We uphold principles of good governance, adhering to accountability, transparency, responsiveness, effectiveness, efficiency, equity, inclusivity, and the rule of law throughout decision-making and implementation processes.

Our dedication to intellectual capital growth involves contributing to the development and capacity building of individuals, empowering them to meet the needs of the economy, society, and our nation as a whole.

We strive to cultivate a culture of excellence among our students and faculty, emphasizing excellence in teaching, learning, research, extension services, and creating centers of excellence that drive innovation and advancement.